Chanakya and the Art of Getting Rich [Paperback] Radhakrishnan Pillai Radhakrishnan Pillai
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Chanakya and the Art of Getting Rich [Paperback] Radhakrishnan Pillai

Author: Radhakrishnan Pillai
Rs. 285.00 Rs. 299.00 28500
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Chanakya and the Art of Getting Rich [Paperback] Radhakrishnan Pillai
Radhakrishnan Pillai
Chanakya's Arthashastra is an unrivalled political treatise that has been used by scholars, academics and leaders across the world. In Chanakya and the Art of Getting Rich , Radhakrishnan Pillai brings out the inherent lessons from Arthashastra to present a strategic and practical way of wealth creation. This is a holistic study, written for anyone and everyone.

Chanakya's Arthashastra is an unrivalled political treatise that has been used by scholars, academics and leaders across the world. In Chanakya and the Art of Getting Rich , Radhakrishnan Pillai brings out the inherent lessons from Arthashastra to present a strategic and practical way of wealth creation. This is a holistic study, written for anyone and everyone.

Chanakya's Arthashastra is an unrivalled political treatise that has been used by scholars, academics and leaders across the world. In Chanakya and the Art of Getting Rich , Radhakrishnan Pillai brings out the inherent lessons from Arthashastra to present a strategic and practical way of wealth creation. This is a holistic study, written for anyone and everyone.